简介:波兰导演瓦依达一部少见的电视电影短片,改编自苏联科幻作家莱姆(《索拉里斯星》)的同名短篇小说。 Przekladaniec - The story of a racing car driver who undergoes so many transplants that it can no longer be determined which people have contributed to his make-up.
波兰导演瓦依达一部少见的电视电影短片,改编自苏联科幻作家莱姆(《索拉里斯星》)的同名短篇小说。 Przekladaniec - The story of a racing car driver who undergoes so many transplants that it can no longer be determined which people have contributed to his make-up.
波兰导演瓦依达一部少见的电视电影短片,改编自苏联科幻作家莱姆(《索拉里斯星》)的同名短篇小说。 Przekladaniec - The story of a racing car driver who undergoes so many transplants that it can no longer be determined which people have contributed to his make-up.